Theoretical analysis and experimental study of planet gear cutting by single Novikov gear hob 采用单圆弧滚刀切制行星轮齿的分析与研究
A roller drive has a topological structure similar to an epicyclic gearing, where both the planet gear and the ring gear have rollers as their teeth. 电动滚筒式驱动器类似于一个行星齿轮带有拓扑结构,而这个行星齿轮和齿圈都用辊作为它们的齿。
This paper analyses the kinematics of simple planet gear set, speculate the transform mechanism and method of positive and minus planet gear set. 通过分析简单行星排的运动学,推导出了正、负号行星排基本构件相互转换的原理和方法。
NOVELTY-The mechanism has two planet gear shafts ( 4) whose inner ends are provided in axis holes of planet gears ( 3). 新颖性–该机构有两根行星齿轮轴(4),其内端装备于行星齿轮(3)的轴孔。
In view of the rigid link flexible joint, the industry mechanical arm which actuates by the flexible planet gear, this paper proposed one kind of new modeling and the computational method. 针对带刚性连接挠性接头、以柔性行星齿轮驱动的工业机械臂,提出了一种新的建模和计算方法。
Specific performance can design according to customer's requirement, planet gear box. 具体性能可按客户要求设计,工业用机器手臂。
In this paper, we mainly introduced the calculation method of efficiency and gave the conditions of self-unlocking for simple and complex planet gear systems. 本文着重介绍了行星轮系(简单行星轮系和复杂行星轮系)效率的计算方法及不发生自锁的条件。
Finite Element Analysis for Planet Gear in the Field of High-power Tractor 大功率拖拉机中的行星齿轮有限元分析
The number of teeth, modulus and ply of sun gear and the number of planet gear are the parameter of the main scantling of structure in design of planet gear reducer. 太阳轮的齿数、模数、厚度及行星齿轮的个数是行星齿轮减速器设计中主要的结构尺寸参数。
Robust Design of Planet Gear based on Dual Response Surface Methodology 基于双响应面法的行星齿轮机构稳健设计研究
Virtual Assembly and Motion Analysis for Simpson Planet Gear Mechanism 辛普森行星齿轮机构虚拟装配及运动分析
DANA driving axle and REXROTH planet gear reducer integrated with wet multi-disc brake with oil-cutoff braking for reliable safety. DANA驱动桥和REXROTH行星减速机,内置湿式多片制动器,断油制动,安全可靠;
In The author analyses the average load component of involve planet gear wheel trasmission. 对渐开线行星齿轮传动均载机构进行了分析。
The planet gear shafts and the axis holes of the planet gears are connected under an interference fit. 行星齿轮轴与行星齿轮的轴孔之间为过盈配合。
Die-cuting phase adopts special planet gear device with computer or electric digital control. 模切辊相位,行星齿轮构造,电脑或电动数字控制。
A kid of epicyclical train with its floating planet gear having different functions go along with different selections of driving member was put forward. 提出了一种浮动行星轮随主动件选择不同而功能不同的周转轮系,分析了该种轮系传动与自锁的主动力影响因素。
Research on the Transform between Simple and Compound Planet Gear Sets Astrology is the science of the influence of planets toward individuals and humankind as such. 论简单行星排和复合行星排运动学转换星占学是研究行星对个人和人类的影响的科学。
ADVANTAGE-The mechanism solves the problem of slipping friction between planet gears and planet gear shafts. 优点–该机构解决了行星齿轮与行星齿轮轴之间的滑动摩擦问题。
Noncircular Planet Gear Pitch Curve Design Based on MATLAB MATLAB在非圆行星齿轮节曲线设计中的应用
The transmission principle of planet gears with inner teeth planet gear 内齿行星轮行星齿轮的传动原理
In this paper, authors have researched into the principle of planetary gears with inner planet gear and three axles, and have analysed the construction of inner planet gear, number of inner gears, condition of assemble and how to manufacture the inner gears. 本文研究了三轴式内齿行星传动原理,研究了内齿行星轮的结构、行星轮的数目,装配条件以及内齿轮的加工问题。
This article analyzes the application of planet gear drive in the machines of excavation and transportation, and introduces the characteristics, specific function and working principle of planet gear drive during the course of application in the specified machines. 本文对行星齿轮传动在采掘运机械中的应用进行了分析,指出了行星齿轮传动在特定机械中的应用特点、具体作用和工作原理。
It provides a new idea for solving other optimization designs of planet gear box. 为行星齿轮箱的其它优化设计提供了新的思路方法。
The differential planet gear train could carry out composition and resolution on movements. 差动行星轮系能够对运动进行合成和分解。
The influences of planet gear tooth numbers on dynamic responses were analyzed. 分析了行星轮的齿数对动态特性的影响,完善了相位调谐理论;
By way of coordinate analysis on planet gear, worm, and stator in rolling conical teethed toroidal planet worm drive, the curve equations of modeling for the three parts were obtained. 通过对滚锥齿超环面行星蜗杆传动中,行星轮、蜗杆和定子的坐标分析,得到了各零件的建模曲线方程。
Based on this theory, a designing scheme combined the cantilever beam and planet gear train is proposed. 第三章,光纤光栅位移传感器原理理论研究,并且在此理论研究的基础上,提出悬臂梁和行星轮系相结合的设计方案,并对其工作原理进行了理论研究。
Simultaneously studied based on the misalignment contact theory, the optimized sun gear and planet gear can determine teeth surface contact stress distribution, all methods has provided the reliable basis design for multi-megawatt grade wind turbine gearbox. 同时基于非线性接触理论,研究了优化后的太阳轮和行星齿轮单对齿轮齿面接触应力分布,为多兆瓦级风力发电机齿轮箱的设计提供了可靠的依据。
At the same time, for the power splitting differential gearbox the characteristics of compact structure, according to balanced specific sliding and flash temperature for the planet gear, the parameters of planetary gear can be optimized, gears can improved wear resistance and scuffing resistance. 同时针对功率分流差动齿轮箱结构紧凑的特点,根据均衡齿轮的滑动率曲线和闪温曲线的研究,优化了行星轮系的齿轮参数,提高了齿轮的抗磨损、抗胶合能力。
Both cycloid pin gear planet transmission and involute few teeth difference planetary transmission belong to K-H-V planet gear transmission, their principle and structure is almost identical. 摆线针轮行星传动和渐开线少齿差行星齿轮传动,同属K-H-V行星齿轮传动,其工作原理和结构基本相同。